
As we all know there is a uncertain situation in the whole world .
Pandemic has now affected innumerable households globally. With virus, came an unprecedented lockdown in phases. Each person in the country was confined to the four walls of their households. But as it is said, each cloud has a silver lining, so did the lockdown. 

A lot has been said and done about the lockdown situation that we are all going through right now. We have cribbed, complained, fought and risen each day to face the turmoil with aplomb. However, amidst all the mayhem and adversity, there has been a ray of sunshine for a lot of us, especially women. Since men are staying back home, or working from home, they are live audiences to how much work a home maker has throughout the day. With so much on her plate, a woman still manages to put a smile on everyone around her, and that's the beauty of being one- proud and strong.

Members of family helping each other 

As this disease was spreading badly , the major concern was to protect yourself & your family from the outside exposure . Not even housemaids were allowed to call for daily household activities. So , the major duty was to perform all households chores by yourself. This time men of the family started helping in household chores.

Men started #SharingTheLoad 

It is the lockdown that brought my family closer and together. It is because of the lockdown that I got to know that I have 2 helping hands in my house, my husband and my son.My son, who normally stays out for work or studies has become so much more empathetic towards what all I do to ensure that everything runs smoothly. My husband has started admiring and respecting me more as a person since he sees the crazy grind that I bear every day. And now with no maids to offer help, the load has quadrupled too. But I have the lockdown to thank for this brand new perspective of my family. I'm proud to say that they are sharing the load with such grace and enthusiasm that has made life beautiful at home even though there is adversity right outside

Initially life before pandemic and lockdown was all about the noises of the city with each person hustling towards their work. Everything seemed to be blur due to the speed of life. However, since the lockdown, life is moving at a slower pace. Lockdown has brought things into perspective wherein I got to know that my husband and son are capable of doing the household tasks too. 

Sharing is Caring 

They started with doing the laundry, trying to reduce my burden and sharing the load. I was happy to see them enjoying it rather than performing it as a mere duty . It was a kind of relief to see them sharing the load of the household tasks. Now we were sharing actual quality time helping  & caring for each other. It is this sharing of load that has brought us all the more closer and gave us some memories that we are going to cherish forever.  It's these moments that I'm ticking off from my 2020 bucket list, and they are so much more satiating and adorable than elaborate travels or shopping sprees that seemed to give momentary pleasure earlier. This one is for keeps, for real and the changing mindset has given me so much more strength and hope about our future

This lockdown has proved yet again that no work is gender specific. It is another way to add that there must not be any bias in the society with respect to jobs that an individual does on the grounds of gender. No gender label/tag should be applied to any work as it not only demeans the nature of the work but also the creates a gender gap in the society.

That's my story . I am waiting to read your stories & experience . Till then have a look 
At the short film featuring the sharing of load happiness at homes during the locked down.

#ShareTheLoad #ShareTheLaundry #ShareChoresMultiplyLove

‘I will #ShareTheLoad and help in household chores in association with Ariel India and BlogAdda


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